Sunday, November 4, 2012

All New Adventures!

Hello Again!
So last I posted I shared I was prepping for a wedding. Well surprise to us a week before the ceremony we found out I was Pregnant. Holy Moses! It was a shocker but a good one. Actually to be perfectly honest there was one person who wasn't surprised at all. In fact there was a lady who knew there was a baby on the way and even knew it would be a little boy. Our Daughter Leila predicted the pregnancy long before we even knew. Apparently i have a Psychic in the family.

So now I'm a walking belly and actually living a very different life then before. The title of this blog should probably be changed to The Accidental House Wife. Unfortunately a week after informing my work of my pregnancy I was "let go". And so now I'm devoting my days to my Family. The timing may have actually been the best thing to happen to me, Leila started Kindergarten this past August and there has been some adjusting. Things have happened that I was certain were signs of the apocalypse.  I joined the PTA, I'm a room Parent (I'll explain later), and essentially I've become a helicopter parent.

I feel I have to explain why, within three weeks of school starting my sweet little girl was slapped in the face by a bully.  I immediately went to the school and tried to get my child justice with no luck. At that moment I learned if you aren't an active parent they don't give you much attention. So PTA it was! Along with any other event I could get into. All while growing a little person in my belly. It's been an Adventure for me.  Before I was a working Mom trying to balance family and work, now I'm all family and taking on things I didn't think I ever would.

I'm still a fashion Lover and so rest assured there will still be plenty of Fashion in this blog but there will be a new mix of content. I hope you enjoy!

My Life till now!

For details on my photos check out my Instagram Page! @accidentalfashionista