It's been too long since my last post. There has been a lot going on for me. Today was crazy because I'm preparing for a trip to New York. It's Market week in New York and that means schmoozing and selling! I'm not worried about the trip business wise I feel confident everything will fall into place. But I do have two little issues with the trip. First off it's my first time in New York. Yeah I know, "How can you be in Fashion and never visit New York?!!!" Well first off I live in LA and I feel it's better. Of course I realize I can't say this without actually having visited New York, but I feel confident it's true. =P
I've lived in London, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. I feel as though I've covered the basics. I love L.A. and London the most because of the same reason. You can have your busy city but still within the city are quite areas that are more like Townes then cities. Here in LA I work in the Downtown area but I live in the Mountains, well sort of. My Neighborhood is Eagle Rock, I'll talk more about Eagle Rock in other posts, it's too fabulous to cover in just one post. But eagle Rock is very much a small town, filled with eclectic people, and quaint shops. I love living here. This is the only reason why all my friends agree I won't like New York. They know how much I enjoy a slower pace every once and a while, and from what I hear NY doesn't do Slow. I can tell you I'm eager to see Central Park, the Met, and Empire state building. Super Tourist I know but you have to cover the basics. I won't have much time during days so I'll have to squeeze things in at night, beginning of first problem. I may visit New York and not visit New York!! Boo! This is becoming a pattern with work. Visit all new places and never get to really see them. Some day I'll do New York right but that probably won't happen during this trip.
Now for my second problem. Our director has urged me to please pack lite, so lite that he wants me to restrain my packing to one CARRY ON BAG!!!!!!!!! My blow dryer alone will fill a carry on. Don't even get me started on my shoes. I can't live without my fabulous shoes. I'm very nervous that he's serious about this and so I keep thinking of how I can possibly achieve this. Here are the facts: It's a four day long Sales Trip in New York! I will have meetings with big clients and so my appearance is important. Did I mention it's New York, I've got to show these New Yorkers how LA does it! I was thinking dresses but then I saw it's supposed to rain. I'm out of ideas. Can you tell I'm not the best traveler? I've done plenty of it but I always annoy others with my packing. I'm a work in progress. I'll write from New York and I'll be sure to post plenty of photos!