Since Spring is in Full effect and Sunglasses are a necessity I'm finally looking for a new pair. I have a terrible habit of losing or destroying my sunglasses on a yearly basis. I was so happy to read in Both Vogue and Elle that Cat Eye shape is back! I've found that this shape works for my round face. The Large frame look gave me a Preying Mantis Look. Not flattering! So with great new styles to choose from I'm practically drooling! I also came across several Eco friendly glasses as well. I try my best to be green and so I gave those a gander, but so far I'm not in love. Here are a few that I did like and the One Sustainable eyewear brand I did like happened to be featured in Vogue and was WAY out of my budget,particularly when you consider my sunglass history. Se La Vie!
Same as above but different Color! I'm still in love. |
Same as above but different Color! I'm still in love. |