Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Girl's Night!

Every couple of weeks or so I try to get in a Girl's night. Usually just me and one of my girlfriends not usually a group thing.  Last night was Girl's night for me and my best Gal Pal Crystal. We catch up and usually have a Yummy Dinner with a few cocktails and then home. Last Night we did the dinner, Yummy Vermicelli at Lemongrass, then we did the cocktails and then it was like we were teenage girls again. Crystal always on the Cusp of every hot trend and my gauge for whats cool, had just purchased the Sally Hansen Salon Effects. She was wearing the 'Misbehaved" a Gold base with what looked like Fishnets on top. It was fantastic. I had seen them in the stores but wondered about how long they lasted and how well they worked. Crystal assured me I would not be disappointed and so after paying for our cocktails we ran to the nearest Target with 10 minutes left till they closed and we picked up a set. I chose the "Glitz Blitz" Golden Glitter, super cute. We headed back to my home and she did my nails. Not your normal Adult girls night but it was a blast and I got a very nice set of nails at the end of the night.