Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter Dress

Ever since I was a little girl there have always been three holidays that have stood out above all the rest in my Family, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. To this day my mother still makes "baskets" for my siblings and I even though the youngest is in High school and the rest of us are grown adults. There Basket part has changed since we were young, now a days it's usually a gift box or pretty cellophane bag, the contents remain the same. We can always count on Candy, a Small gift, and a trinket to remind us of the "true reason for the season". It's great fun actually. Along with our baskets we always have a huge Easter feast followed by family pictures, this is the one part I dread. Being a Momma, Easter is a jam packed day and all my pretty tends to melt away by late afternoon. There are far to many not so pretty picture of me on Easter, and so this year I am determined to change the pattern.  To start I am going to make a real effort to find a Easter Outfit, I'm leaning toward a dress but the weather may not allow. And this year I am going to properly prep my face for Make up! As for Hair, well that always seems to be my krytonite, I'm going to try and find a way to make the Demi Bob work for me. Here are just a few options I'm thinking of.



Hive & Honey


Queen of the World- I love the name!

Clover-I am buying this one no matter what

Just a Thought!

Much more reasonable!