Hello Folks!!! So sorry for my long absence I've been swamped with work and away on a Business trip. And can you believe it but I had no internet. Or better said no free internet anywhere. I'll tell you the story in another post. But today I am sharing another Bloggers Do it Better Assignment. This time it's one trend that I've been all over. The Arm Party!!! A collection of Bangles, friendship bracelets, watches and assorted trinkets all piled together on your wrist. I've been loving this trend because it's allowed to tap into my crafty side and make small pieces that take no time at all.
So here are a few photos of my Arm Parties!
This shot has several pieces I made. The first bangle with Embroidery thread on it, a wrap bracelet, and a wrap around rope piece as well. |
I had a huge collection of bangles and I was so happy to use them again. |
A simple stacking, my watch was he only large piece and even that's not very big. |