Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fashion Icons-Audrey Hepburn

So My little Sister is getting Married!!!! Yeah!! and she wants to have a the bridesmaids dressed like Audrey in Breakfast at Tiffany's. So we've been on the search for the right dress, the right pearls, we're still not sure about tiara's and possibly Wayfarer sunglasses. but with all this time and research into the look of Audrey I thought it was time to post another Fashion icon post.
I had always planned on posting about Audrey, but I kept staling since it seemed like such a give away. Of course she's a fashion Icon. No writer in the world would dare make a list and not have her in the top ten of all time. The woman is a MAJOR factor in Ray Ban's huge success and the return of the Wayfarer sunglasses which every other company is currently knocking off! Aside from her timeless films she had a timeless look. A woman today could wear any of her outfits and look chic and perfect. Her style was simple and classic.
So what should everyone every woman take from Audrey's Style?
  • Keep it simple!! Nothing wrong with a simple top and cropped pants. Who says you have to have four layers of clothing and a scarf to top it off?!
  • Every woman needs a LBD-Little Black Dress! I have three great go to LBDs. 
  • Embrace your Natural features!!! She had thick Eyebrows and a a short forehead, and she looked FABULOUS!!!
  • Be Kind, it make you even more beautiful! Not many folks know of Audrey's philanthropic work throughout her life but in Her later years she did a great deal of work with UNICEF and was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. 
So there it is the few fashion rules I've gained thanks to Audrey Hepburn. Hope you use them as well.