I had always planned on posting about Audrey, but I kept staling since it seemed like such a give away. Of course she's a fashion Icon. No writer in the world would dare make a list and not have her in the top ten of all time. The woman is a MAJOR factor in Ray Ban's huge success and the return of the Wayfarer sunglasses which every other company is currently knocking off! Aside from her timeless films she had a timeless look. A woman today could wear any of her outfits and look chic and perfect. Her style was simple and classic.
So what should everyone every woman take from Audrey's Style?
- Keep it simple!! Nothing wrong with a simple top and cropped pants. Who says you have to have four layers of clothing and a scarf to top it off?!
- Every woman needs a LBD-Little Black Dress! I have three great go to LBDs.
- Embrace your Natural features!!! She had thick Eyebrows and a a short forehead, and she looked FABULOUS!!!
- Be Kind, it make you even more beautiful! Not many folks know of Audrey's philanthropic work throughout her life but in Her later years she did a great deal of work with UNICEF and was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.