Friday, September 16, 2011

New York, Again

So I'm back in New stork again for work. This trip is already very different then last time. This time around it's just me and a new coworker. He seems like a nice enough guy but we aren't buddy like I am with our designer who was with me on my last trip.
Somehow my new coworker talked me into taking the train all the way from JFK to 42nd street rather than just pay for a taxi. Not sure if it was the money he was worried about but I didn't think taking the train was very convenient. Also this time around I packed a little more since this is a longer trip than last time and I had three large binders from work so my suitcase was heavy. I was tired ( our flight was at 7:20 am PST and I didn't get a chance to eat anything) I really needed to eat and rest and well hauling my stuff around the city wasn't on my do to list.
But we made it and in one piece. And our Hotel is actually kind of cool. It's definitely a tourist hotel, in fact I've heard at least six different languages in the first fifteen minutes of being here. But it's modern and different. The room is like a cruise room, compact and efficient. At first I was scared I didn't have enough space for my clothes but actually it worked out.
I ate dinner in the hotel restaurant. Nothing great but it filled me up and at the time anything would have done. Service wasn't great although I saw five waiters walking back and forth past me. I'll have to find other places to eat on this trip but for today it did the job, especially since it was my only meal of the day.
Any way that's day One. Tomorrow I get to build a booth, OK not really, I get to set up a booth. New York and I had a bad time together last time but this time I planned much better and I've set up dinners with friends. This time I plan on leaving New York happy. Oh and my trusty work bag decided to fall apart on me so at sometime tomorrow I have to find a new bag, a little shopping never hurt anyone. Wish me Luck.