Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Thoughts

Hey Folks Happy Friday!!
I am so looking forward to the long weekend.  And so I felt a Happy Thoughts post was definitely required!

First Happy Birthday To my Best Friend and Father of My Child, Gary! 
Bailey's and Bacon Cupcake! SOOO YOU!!!!
Next USC Football Starts Tomorrow and I am SOOOO VERY ready!!!! Fight On!

Taking My daughter to Build-A-Bear to get her Teddies new outfits! I know this sounds corny but it makes her happy and so it makes me Happy.

Sunday Brunch With My Best Gal Pal Crys! Mimosas will be mandatory.

A completely Lazy Monday with no plans and pure relaxation!!!! Oh yeah there is one more thing but I can't let the cat out of bag just yet so I'll wait and share in another post.

Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone. Enjoy!