Sunday, January 15, 2012

Changing the Look of Beautiful

This past week there was an article released which raised a few eyebrows in the Fashion world. Personally it seemed like a long time coming to me. The change in model sizes has been a hot button issue for some time now but it seems to me that it's becoming an inevitable thing now. Current runway models and even print models are so thin they look as though they should be on those adopt a child programs. "For only 50 cents a day you can feed a model." It's sick really.
Personally I have always had issue with this. I love fashion because I think clothing and the design of it is beautiful. I think clothing should be made to flatter the body. We shouldn't have to Change our bodies to fit or flatter an outfit. As I type this I know I'm guilty of being caught up in this craziness. Didn't I just tell you about the numerous types of spanx I own? So there you go even I'm guilty.
In this January issue of Plus Model Magazine they released an article that added fuel to the fire that is the Model Debate. Photos of Plus Size Model Katya Zharkova completely naked with Facts about size and Models around her. The model herself looks beautiful. But it's the facts that make my stomach turn. The most jarring being that "Most runway models meet the body mass index physical criteria for anorexia." I'm telling you we all need to adopt a model and feed her!
Of course this article is only the most recent article to spotlight the fashion industries adherence to THEIR Standards of Norm. In the past year there was an increase of Trans gender models as well. Lea T the most famous of them all has been burning a new path for all. She was the first Transgender model to be featured in a Swim Campaign, A Brazilian Label Named Blue Man. And was even photographed by Fashion Photography icon Terry Richardson. She made it possible for models such as Adrej Pejic and newest model Valentijn de Hingh to even have a chance. Let me just say that if no one had told me Lea T was once a man I never would have guessed. She's gorgeous!!! I'm actually very jealous.

But there it is. The world is changing. Fashion is all about change, well at least it should be. And although not everyone is on board with these recent changes I'm sure they too will come along sooner or later. Let's start with feeding the models though. It's a fairly easy change to make. Anorexia just isn't pretty.

Photos From Plus Model Magazine
Adrej Pejic Photo found Here.

Valentijn de Hingh Photo found Here.
Lea T!!!! Photo found Here.

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