Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Whole New world

So I'm back to work and so far it's no problem, but Shows are coming up and I'm getting more and more nervous. The product I sell tends to sell best for a particular group of people. Rockabilly!  I am not rockabilly. I know this but I do appreciate a vintage inspired dress Ala Mad Men or Pan Am. The February Vogue had a spread with Vintage style pieces that I was drooling over.We have some styles similar to that feel but for the most part our product is Pin Up and Rockabilly. These are very different things mind you. So what have been up to?
Studying!!!! And big surprise I'm out of my League, but I'm loving it. This "Scene" is fascinating! These people seen like such fun and so far they have been so sweet! I feel like I'm on an alien planet.  Anyway I'll be happy to share more experiences as they happen but right now I wanted to share some of my research and a few sites that below to my customers.
Huge Rockabilly event In Vegas!!!

Photo of Last Years Viva Las Vegas Event

Pin Up Style

The Gents!

Our Competitor, Sort of.