Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bloggers do it Better!!!

First forgive me, I'm not a model. I'm actually very goofy in photos. Any time I try to take a photo it tends to end up a little awkward. I'm working on it though. Just like my studies in Fashion I am also trying to work on the right pose for me. My sister and her sorority friends who seem to be naturals at striking a pose have actively been assisting me. Although after these photos I'm seriously considering professional help!! I should change the name of this blog to the Fashion Imposter!

On to the real topic at hand. I chose to part take in a Blogger group called, Bloggers do it Better. It's a fashion movement where real woman bloggers show how they wear trends. No Magazine editors, makeup artists, hair stylists and Photoshop. And no corporate backers pushing certain products. Kristina the author of Pretty Shiny Sparkly started this group and assigns the trend. Bloggers check the trend then post on their blog and then link to hers.  It's actually great fun and very interesting to see everyone's spin on fashion. I'm thrilled to be posting my first BDIB post. This assignment was the Maxi Skirt!

I picked up a gorgeous Maxi Skirt at H&M not to long ago and I've been in love ever since. I usually go with simplicity when it comes to this skirt but in this case I was dressing for a Graduation Party with a Fiesta theme, so I had a little fun this time. I'm only 5'6", not short but not very tall and this skirt was definitely built for a tall girl so I have five inch heels on to make up the difference. Girls got to do what a girls got to do.  Hope you like! Again be kind I don't photo well.