Friday, July 22, 2011


I was inspired last week by a craft post, From Fresh Home Ideas. After reading this post i just had to have a terrarium of my Own. My plan was to put it in my office to help as a de-stresser. I stewed on it all Friday and Saturday Morning, and then on our thrifting trip I came across a Better Home and Gardens book on Terrariums. I took it as a sign and Decided I had to make one. Sunday was my big day and initially I thought I would get mini plants like Ivy and Violets, My man gave me a sideways glance when I told him. "Why?",  you ask.  Well here's the truth I have a black thumb. I have always wanted to be a gardener but I never fully study what I'm trying to grow and it always dies. My father never has to study he plants things and they grow, in fact they usually over grow. My Grandmother and Grandfather have always had lush gardens. My Mother had an office plant grow so large and lush she had to remove it from her office for fear of it taking over the space. Why couldn't I get that Gene?!!

I ignored my gentleman's nay saying and went to Home depot determined to make this terrarium. After thirty minutes of starring at plants I finally asked for some help. This time I was prepared though, I had actually read the full blog post and the terrarium book I had picked up. I knew the supplies I needed and the plants I wanted, problem was I wasn't finding any of it. The kind Garden center employee informed me that they didn't have the majority of the items I wanted and most of the potting materials I had requested only came in Jumbo Size. UGH!!! I had to change my game plan. It almost killed me at the time but the sad truth was I had to go with cacti. They had the materials and a large variety of mini Cacti. Why would this kill me, well as I mentioned earlier my Gent didn't have faith in me and had actually recommended Cactus rather than Ivy and Violets.  Either way I made the best of what I had and was still determined to make the best Terrarium ever. And Boy did I ever succeed. Sorry to those out there who have terrariums and think theirs is the best but your wrong, mine is!